Gems Ville Developer

EAST ASIA GEYLANG DEVELOPMENT PTE. LTD. is a Singapore EXEMPT PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES. The company was incorporated on 02 Apr 2020, which is 1.7 years ago. The address of the Business's registered office is PAYA LEBAR SQUARE, 60 PAYA LEBAR ROAD, Postal 409051, #05-08. The Business current operating status is Live Company. The Business's principal activity is REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS. The Business's secondary activity is OTHER HOLDING COMPANIES. (eg INVESTMENT COMPANY). The company's paid-up capital is SGD 1,500,000. The company UEN is 202010598C, registered with ACRA on 2020-04-02.

EAST ASIA GEYLANG DEVELOPMENT is an ACRA-registered entity that has been operating for 1 year 8 months in Singapore since its incorporation in 2020. Officially, EAST ASIA GEYLANG DEVELOPMENT PTE. LTD. is registered as Exempt Private Limited Company with its address in District 14 (Geylang, Eunos), primarily operates in the sector of "REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS", SSIC code - 68101. EAST ASIA GEYLANG DEVELOPMENT PTE. LTD. is a non-listed entity in the private market with no IPO filing.
