Torieview Mansions Developer

Torieview Mansions is a freehold condominium development completed in 1995. This residential project was developed by Wintouch Development Pte Ltd. The developer, Wintouch Development Pte Ltd is a small real estate organization held privately and it has constructed only this project in Singapore. The Company is a EXEMPT PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES and it's current status is Live Company. The company was registered / incorporated on 16 July 1992 (Thursday), 29 years ago. The address of this company registered office is JALAN AHMAD IBRAHIM SINGAPORE 629143. The company has 1 officers / owners / shareholders. The company latest annual return date is on 13 September 2000, 20 years ago. The company principal activity is BANK/FINANCIAL HOLDING COMPANIES. The company secondary activity is ROAD CONSTRUCTION.
